I'm Marina!

a.k.a zuzu

I’m a Product Designer based in Brazil. I'm a feminist, antifascist and antiracist activist, love to make people laugh and think about Design as a way of making life easier for everybody.

In parallel to my digital career, I'm diving back into the physical product world with contemporary jewellery and cultural studies.

Marina's portrait in color. She is a latin woman and is smiling.

My Career so far

My path inside Design began with my love for old school cars and the desire to work with automobilistic restauration and mechanics, but that plan didn’t work very well in the long run...

After I experimented with photography, customer experience, digital marketing, jewellery design, graphic design and even a bit of food design, I was pointed in a direction that best suited me when I came across UX - a field where I could oversee the whole trajectory of a product and still make sure it was innovative and useful to specific ecosystems of usage.

It pleases me a lot to know I’ve been working with creativity and production as a Product Designer for the past few years. I have been given the opportunity to work with different types of companies, to understand the dynamics of the corporate world, to pair up with development through agile processes, to discover I am a people’s person and a good facilitator and most of all, to have fun while doing my job.

What I believe in
Design, mercado &
saúde mental


The table is big enough for everyone to have a seat at it, and there is no possible way to build a better world if we don't recognise the value in everyone's trajectory. Diversity raised and shaped me, and it shall continue to make me grow as a creative human.

Redesenhando o tempo com Design Sprints


The pressure is high everywhere we go, but life is not about trying to endlessly overcome unrealistic expectations - external or internal. It all comes down to being the best version of ourselves and be happy and successful while helping others achieve the same amount of prosperity.

Afrobege: colorismo e o caos identitário


It's a big world out there, but an even bigger one inside our brains. In a society where nothing is ever enough, we must make our priority to always look after ourselves and the ones around us. Staying safe and enjoying what we create, for nothing really lasts forever.

Desafios em DesignOps e como softwares podem ajudar


Insert here any cheesy phrase about fear and comfort zone. At the end of the day, we are all afraid of what the unknown could bring us - that's why we keep planning everything. It is impossible to be fearless: the key is to dive in, anyway. There's always a 50% chance it will be awesome.

*The drawings from Megan Robichaud and can be found at her Dribble page@megdraws

My journey

Highlights on social media

Materials and presentations